January 2021 Academic & Specialist Ingram Publisher Services International

Kind of Boring: Canonical Work and Other Visible Things Meant to be Viewed as Architecture: Canonical Work and Other Visible Things Meant to be Viewed as Architecture Paul Preissner, edited by Courtney Coffman

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Jun 2021 | Actar | 9781948765138 | 244pp | 239x170mm | RFB | AUD$59.99, NZD$69.99

The work of Paul Preissner in a form of manifesto looking at the loose and varied origins of ideas that make room for intuition, blandness and confusion resulting in work which takes on a different type of politics: a class politics. 

Kind of Boring will look at the origin of architectural ideas behind a work and the theoretical and practical consequences resulting from an architecture that prioritises class politics through experimentation with formal practice. The book also presents an alternative to contemporary architecture through a kind of work which embraces normalcy, and queer deviations from such, making a kind of architecture which explores basic form, anonymous history, and the effects of indifference and inattention to make the normal weird. It presents the source material for the ideas behind the projects, in order to better understand the interest and developing idea behind an architecture which resists genre categorisation, appreciates sloppiness in a field committed to precision, and makes room for intuition and less formal precedent.

With contributions by Jayne Kelley, Tim Kinsella, Alex Lehnerer, Walter Benn Michaels, and Li Tavor. Edited by Courtney Co!man. Graphic design by Joe Gilmore.