August 2013 Trade releases Chelsea Green

Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land Gary Paul Nabhan, foreword by Bill McKibben

Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land
Gary Paul Nabhan, foreword by Bill McKibben

Because climatic uncertainty has now become "the new normal," many farmers, gardeners and orchard-keepers in North America are desperately seeking ways to adapt their food production to become more resilient in the face of such "global weirding." This book draws upon the wisdom and technical knowledge from desert farming traditions all around the world to offer time-tried strategies for:

• building greater moisture-holding capacity and nutrients in soils;

• protecting fields from damaging winds, drought, and floods;

• harvesting water from uplands to use in rain gardens and terraces filled with perennial crops; and

• selecting fruits, nuts, succulents, and herbaceous perennials that are best suited to warmer, drier climates