April 2017 Academic & Specialist Ingram Publisher Services International

Edges of the Rainbow: LGBTQ Japan Michel Delsol, Haruku Shinozaki, introduction by Mark McLelland

Edges of the Rainbow: LGBTQ Japan
Michel Delsol, Haruku Shinozaki, introduction by Mark McLelland

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | May 2017 | The New Press | 9781620972892 | 192pp | 254x203mm | RFB | AUD$39.99, NZD$47.99

Edges of the Rainbow is a photographic celebration of the queer community in Japan. In a set of more than 150 color and black-and-white photographs, acclaimed photographer Michel Delsol and journalist Haruku Shinozaki have brought together a fascinating group of individuals to create an unforgettable and uplifting look at a proud and resilient community on the margins of Japanese society.