November 2017 Children's and YA Sourcebooks

We Can't Be Friends: A true Story Cyndy Etler

Ages 14 to 17 years

Surviving Straight, Inc., was hell, but Etler discovers that readjusting to the real world is even harder in this powerful followup to her memoir The Dead Inside

In the follow-up to Cyndy Etler's chilling memoir, The Dead Inside, Etler details her turbulent readjustment to life at home and high school after spending sixteen months in Straight, Inc. Advertised as a rehab program for troubled teens, in reality, Straight subjected Cyndy and her fellow Straightlings to cultlike brainwashing and bizarre "treatment" methods. There was no privacy, no freedom, and no room for error. But when Cyndy is finally released, she discovers she's living by an entirely different set of rules than her peers. What new extremes will she go to in order to fit in?