February 2020 Academic & Specialist Sourcebooks

Encounters with Archetypes: Integrated Ela Lessons for Gifted and Advanced Learners in Grades 4-6 Tamra Stambaugh, Emily Mofield, Kim Knuass

Encounters With Archetypes delves into the study of archetypes with the concept of encounters, integrating common core standards for ELA with social studies concepts. 

This unit, developed by Vanderbilt University's Programs for Talented Youth, is aligned to the Common Core State Standards and features accelerated content, creative products, differentiated tasks, engaging activities, and the use of in-depth analysis models to develop sophisticated skills in the language arts. Through the lens of encounter, students will examine the patterns, symbols, and motifs associated with common archetypes by analysing primary source documents, literature, art, and popular media. Students will follow various archetype encounters with conflicts and challenges to explore questions such as 'How do archetypes reflect the human experience?' and 'How do archetypes reveal human strengths and weaknesses?'