Who's Afraid of International Law?
Edited by Raimond Gaita, Gerry Simpson

Paperback | Feb 2017 | Monash University Publishing | 9781925377002 | 256pp | 210x135mm | GEN | AUD$29.95, NZD$34.99

Is there such a thing as an 'international law' of which to be afraid? Can international law be seen as a coherent set of norms? Or is it, rather, something experienced radically differently by different individuals and groups in different parts of the world? And what do the different sets of international law seek to change or justify today?  In Who's Afraid of International Law? Raimond Gaita and six other noted authorities in this field respond to Gaita's invitation to explore ways in which international law constitutes a certain way of talking and being; one that might have both ameliorative and malign effects. The result is an extended and rich conversation about international law's aspirations and limitations, its nuances and rigidities, achievements and failures, relevance and irrelevance.