School's Out! Giant Snot Balls: And Other Freaky Facts You Won't Learn About in School
Bathroom Readers' Institute

Introducing, the wackiest of wacky nonfiction from Uncle John in one brain-expanding volume, guaranteed to keep kids reading all summer.
Fact 1: Kids need to read nonfiction to make it in school.
Fact 2: Kids lose educational ground every summer.
Fact 3: Reading keeps kids from losing ground.
Solution—Give kids Uncle John's School's Out! and put them at the head of the pack when class is back in session. What’s inside? The absolute BEST OF THE BEST OF THE BEST nonfiction stories from Uncle John’s bestselling Bathroom Readers! Read about giant snot balls of the ocean, bomb-sniffing rats, snakes in the toilet, underwear-eating bacteria, and much much more. Once kids pick it up, they won’t be able to put it down.