The Russia-China Axis: The New Cold War and America’s Crisis of Leadership
Douglas E. Schoen, Melik Kaylan

Hardback (B401) | Sep 2014 | Encounter Books | 9781594037566 | 224pp | 228x152mm | GEN | AUD$49.99, NZD$59.99


The United States is a nation in crisis. While Washington's ability to address our most pressing challenges has been rendered nearly impotent by ongoing partisan warfare, we face an array of foreign-policy crises for which we seem increasingly unprepared. Among these, none is more formidable than the unprecedented partnership developing between Russia and China, suspicious neighbors for centuries and fellow Communist antagonists during the Cold War. The two longtime foes have drawn increasingly close together due to a confluence of geostrategic, political, and economic interests--all of which have a common theme of diminishing, subverting, or displacing American power.