Lettuce Laugh: 600 Corny Jokes About Food
Natasha Wing

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Dec 2018 | Sterling Children's Books | 9781454931256 | 96pp | 209x136mm | GEN | AUD$9.99

Age range 5 to 12

How do you fix a pizza slice?
With tomato paste.
Food fun! From Salad Sillies and Veggie Varieties to Eggs-traordinary Breakfasts and A Potluck of Puns, this tasty collection serves up plenty of belly laughs. It's got a huge menu of more than 600 jokes, riddles, tongue twisters, knock-knocks, and other wordplay, plus comic illustrations on every page. So how did the watermelon start up a business? With seed money. Kids will just eat this up!