Iron Men: How One London Factory Powered the Industrial Revolution and Shaped the Modern World
David Waller, foreword by Lord Norman Foster

Paperback | Apr 2019 | Anthem Press | 9781783089611 | 226pp | 215x139mm | RFB | AUD$25.95, NZD$39.99

A nuts and bolts history of engineering enterprise in the first half of the nineteenth century, based on the life and work of Henry Maudslay and his followers.

In the early nineteenth century, Henry Maudslay, an engineer from a humble background, opened a factory in Westminster Bridge Road, a stone's throw from the Thames. His workshop became in its day the equivalent of Google and Apple combined, attracting the country's best in engineering talent. Their story of innovation and ambition tells how precision engineering made the industrial revolution possible, helping Great Britain become the workshop of the world.